Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 4 - Testing my Memory

By this morning, two of the paying volunteers had arrived on the island and stayed in the student house until the rest of the expedition team arrives.  We were all supposed to go to MEGI, the Exon Mobil compound, but David only took all of the guys to go set up tents for the team.  So, rather than sitting in the air conditioning, I decided to test my memory of yesterday and took the two volunteers and Sarah out around the city.  I took them to the futbol stadium, the paseo near La Sofitel hotel, the presidential palace, which is across the street from our house, but we aren't legally allowed to take pictures of, the Mercado central, and various other little places.  The one volunteer is from Canade, but lives in Spain and knew enough Spanish to bargain with one of the venders at the market and got a nice pair of Adidas sandals for only 1.500 cfa - an equivalent of $3.

Once we got home, Pat, a grad student from Drexel and a TA of mine, and Rayna, a grad student from Cornell, both were at the house with various other people from the BBPP.  Pat and Rayna stayed the night at the student house and we all went to the Paseo to watch the sunset and chat - seriously what a beauty.  There are flocks of white birds, I'm not sure what kind, that fly right on top of the water and it is quite majestic.  We could even some fruit bats flying around.

Later on there was a cameroon festival going on at our neighbor's house.  They we performing traditional dances and music.  It was cool knowing that all of the different cultures here celebrate their uniqueness.

Hasta luego,

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