Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 26 - First Field Trip

Moraka Playa camp

Moraka Playa camp

So many crabs on the beach!

Pastor with an insect trap
Sarah and I
I got to sleep in today...woo hoo!! I woke up around 9:30, made myself a nice cup of strawberry flavored tea and finished the book that I had almost gotten done reading before the Caldera expedition.  It was really nice to have some free time and just do nothing basically.

Then after lunch, Antonio came over and David took us on a little field trip...we went to the beach in Sipopo!! It was so cute! Very small, but the water was awesome.  It actually reminded me of the beach at Blue Marsh...for those who aren't from Reading or Leesport, it is a beach that is on a lake...because there were basically no waves crashing.  The water was so calm and so blue.  Although, this was much, much cleaner than Blue Marsh.   It almost reminded me of the lagoon down by Moraka Playa the way the water was.  But there was a section that was roped off that was designated for people to swim, they has jet skis you could rent and they even little swimming lanes in the middle of this dock that you could jump of off.

There even was a Sofitel hotel on the beach and it had this really awesome bridge out to this island that the hotel actually owns.  Sarah and I tried to sneak out on it, but there were guards...maybe next time!! It was nice just being able to swim around and relax.  It was kind of cloudy and actually pouring right now...lucky we missed the rain...but it being a bit cloudy made it so much better because it wasn't ungodly hot!!

What a great way to spend my first lazy Sunday out of the jungle!  Tomorrow we start all of our classes at UNGE!! And another good thing is that I finally got my camera to work with my computer and I have uploaded pictures from the expedition!!! Now you all can see what I have been describing!! I hope you think it is as beautiful as I did.  Oh and I threw in a picture of all the bug bites I have on my ankles...mosquitos are not my favorite...

View of Luba with the Caldera in the background

Caldera in the background

An old cocoa plantation along the coast

Lagoon aka bathtub!

Another lagoon shot

Geremias, a guide, on one of the trails

A waterfall over the cliff of the coast

One of Fransisco's, a visiting scientist from Drexel, snails!

Picture of an Erythrotis!

These rocks eroded into these cool!

These did, too!

One of the rivers that drains into the ocean
Hot springs on the beach

Lava rocks

Beautiful rainforest canopy

Bosco the cook cut open a coconut!

The soccer game lineup for the last night of the expedition

Soccer on the beach

Bathing river spot for Hormigas camp!

View of Caldera wall from Hormigas bathing spot

Waterfall at Hormigas

Red hanging flowers

Red Colobus skeleton we found on census the one day

Bathing spot at North camp

Bathing spot again

North camp!

I think this is another Erythrotis because of the red nose, but I totally didn't even know he was there when I originally took this! How cool!
Jurassic Park look alike 

Absolutely beautiful

Volcano stuff!! I think it may be Sulfur, but I really am unsure

Lunch spot on the Santo Antonio trail at North camp

Land of the Lost

It really was picturesque...if only I had a better camera/were a better photographer!

The beach at Sipopo!

The Sofitel owns this island and they have a little bridge out to it

The Sipopo Beach Sofitel

Shell collection!

Bug bites on bug bites

I am amazed at them swimming out to this

I hope you like these pictures...more to come of Malabo and other places on Bioko!!

Hasta luego,

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