Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 29 - Uneventful Day

Well, today has been kind of uneventful. We had our normal classes...minus Environmental Science since he flew to London for work today...but we did get to go to the Paseo Maritimo today again!  David is training for this marathon up Mt. Cameroon in two weeks when we are in Moka conducting our he ran about 11 miles while my lazy self ran I think maybe two....hey better than nothing!!

Tomorrow after class I think we are going to this drum circle thing that Gafar, one of David's friends from Egypt, invited us to.  It sounds fun! Plus it would be a cool way for us to meet new people!

Tomorrow I will post some pictures of the student house and possibly Malabo! It is just hard to get pictures since a lot of things are illegal to photograph here.

Hasta luego,


  1. We love you and miss you so much. It is so interesting to here about all of the really cool things you are doing. So amazing.

    Trils and bils, Mommy and Daddy
