Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 67 - The Landfill

I am a little disappointed today because it has been a struggle with wanting to volunteer.  There have been several limitations because I can't go anywhere alone, most places are pretty far away and so paying for a taxi all of the time will add up, and sometimes people just don't seem to want help here.  Even Aurora has run into trouble with people not wanting help when she has offered.  There also is the issue of time because I would have loved to volunteer at the pool with Mark, but the swim practices are always while we have classes.  There was this opportunity that Carmen had told me about where I could go on a Sunday with the Catholic church here to various villages and help with several activities...but the issue is no one wanted to go with me and I can't go alone.  It is kind of frustrating, but at least I tried and at least I helped out at the schools and with the children when I was in Moka!

For our Society and Environment class we went to one of the landfills here today.  It was especially unpleasant considering it had rained extremely hard all morning...but it was still interesting seeing what it was like.  It was very poorly managed for the past few years, but Marathon brought in these two men who are from Costa Rica to fix it up and get it back to being safe for the neighboring villages.  I have to say that this is one thing that I would not be unhappy if I never did it again, though.

I forgot to mention on here that the other day we found a really small kitten outside of the student house.  He was so small...he couldn't have been more then a few weeks old.  We decided to name him Linsang after the animal here and Sarah has tried giving him some milk with a syringe.  I hope he makes it.

OH! And David got some really cool pictures of Adama and his family.  They are such an adorable family.

Adama, Salimata and Warimata.

Too cute...I am so happy his family came to Malabo to be with him.

Hasta luego,

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